Let’s say you go on a 12-hour trip, now you’re somewhere else, it’s 3 or 4pm and your body temperature dips because it thinks it’s 3 or 4am. This is all part of a system that then resets.
Assistant Professor of Biology Dipesh Chaudhury
link: ( https://nyuad.nyu.edu/en/research/impact/our-research/2019/time-the-solution-to-jetlag.html )
Latest News
Congratulations Priyam for being selected for delivering a talk at CRHD in IIT Hyderabad - December 2024. Priyam delivered a short talk titled “Mechanisms Underlying Rhythmic Excitability in Mammalian Clock Neurons.” Priyam was also honored with the Bhagwati Devi Memorial Award by the Indian Society for Chronobiology. Congratulations again!
Welcome to Lashmi Piriya for joining the lab as new Lab manager/ Research Assistant - October 2024.
Congratulations to Malvika Sharma for joining the NYUAD Ph.D program - September 2024
Congratulations to Mohsin for being selected for the prestigious Early Career Training Programme stipend for doing internship at Dr. Zoltan Fekete lab.
Merima Šabanović, He Liu, Vongai Mlambo, Hala Aqel, Dipesh Chaudhury (2020). What it takes to be at the top: The interrelationship between chronic social stress and social dominance. Brain and Behaviour (accepted).
Congratulation Priyam for winning the 10X Genomics Lab Grant Program that will allow her to run 4 samples on the Sequencing Core technology Platform in NYUAD.
Congratulations to Ayesha for getting her undergraduate research in Sure plus program from UAEU published as a co-author. (https://systematicreviewsjournal.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13643-019-1187-1)
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Congratulation for Priyam for getting a scholarship to study a course in University of Bordeaux 12 - 31 october 2019 . Good Luck!
The role of dopamine in aversively motivated behavior, which appears in Volume 1713 of Brain Research (BRES). review published by Dr. Dipesh, Basma and He Liu. 9th May 2019.
Congrats to Basma, on getting a travel award for the Advances in Sleep and Circadian Science Meeting in Florida coming up in Feb 2019.
Lab members participating in Abu Dhabi science festival January 31 - Feb 9 - 2019
Welcome to Ashutosh Rastogi on joining the lab as research associate - 6th Jan 2019
Congratulations to Basma and He Liu on getting their review paper "The role of dopamine in mood disorders and the associated changes in circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycle." accepted for publication in Brain Research - November 2018
Welcome to Priyam Narain on on joining the lab as new Post-Doc - 11th Nov 2018
Congratulations Basma on an inspiring video 2018 (https://streamable.com/1gcs5)
Congrats to Basma Radwan on getting the highly competitive L'Oreal Women in Science (Middle East) award - August 2018
Welcome to Aisha Al Hammadi on joining the lab as a research assistant - August 2018
Congrats to Gloria Jansen on getting into the MRC PhD program at Cambridge University!! - June 2018
Congrats to Merima Sabanovic on getting into the MRC PhD program in Oxford University!! - June 2018
Book Chapter with He Liu published - June 2017
Book Chapter with Basma and He Liu published - August 2016
Interview with Natalia at Mad Talks - Feb 2016 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRTj1BeYAbw)